For this assignment i have searched some URL's which can be applied and exercised by the university to apply the "Green Campus Computing" concept.,,sid80_gci1246959,00.html
Green computing is the environmentally responsible use of computers and related resources. Such practices include the implementation of energy-efficient central processing units( CPUs), servers and peripherals as well as reduced resource consumption and proper disposal
of electronic waste (e-waste).
One of the earliest initiatives toward green computing in the United States was the voluntary labeling program known as Energy Star. It was conceived by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1992 to promote energy efficiency in hardware of all kinds. The Energy Star label became a common sight, especially in notebook computers and displays. Similar programs have been adopted in Europe and Asia.
Government regulation, however well-intentioned, is only part of an overall green computing philosophy. The work habits of computer users and businesses can be modified to minimize adverse impact on the global environment. Here are some steps that can be taken:
* Power-down the CPU and all peripherals during extended periods of inactivity.
* Try to do computer-related tasks during contiguous, intensive blocks of time, leaving hardware off at other times.
* Power-up and power-down energy-intensive peripherals such as laser printers according to need.
* Use liquid-crystal-display (LCD) monitors rather than cathode-ray-tube (CRT) monitors.
* Use notebook computers rather than desktop computers whenever possible.
* Use the power-management features to turn off hard drives and displays after several minutes of inactivity.
* Minimize the use of paper and properly recycle waste paper.
* Dispose of e-waste according to federal, state and local regulations.
* Employ alternative energy sources for computing workstations, servers, networks and data centers.
Green Computing Best Practices for End Users
With thousands of desktop computers in, there is a great amount of power used and a great amount of both paper and electronic waste produced. Some simple solutions can help to reduce the impact of these deployments. Please make use of these best practices in order to develop a practice that best fits your individual needs. These suggestions are intended for users who manage their own computer. If you have a computer administrator, you will want to discuss these practices first on order not to interfere with any automated processes that may be running on your computer.
Power Management
Important steps toward green computing include modifying paper and toner use, disposal of old computer equipment and purchasing decisions when considering new computer equipment.
Paper Waste
* Print as little as possible. Review and modify documents on the screen and use print preview. Minimize the number of hard copies and paper drafts you make. Instead of printing, save information to disks, or USB memory sticks.
* Recycle waste paper, have a recycle bin at each community printer and copier location.
* Buy and use recycled paper in your printers and copiers. From an environmental point of view, the best recycled paper is 100 percent post-consumer recycled content.
* Save e-mail whenever possible and avoid needless printing of e-mail messages.
* Use e-mail instead of faxes or send faxes directly from your computer to eliminate the need for a hard copy. When you must fax using hard copies, save paper using a "sticky" fax address note and not a cover sheet.
* On larger documents, use smaller font sizes (consistent with readability) to save paper.
* If your printer prints a test page whenever it is turned on, disable this unnecessary feature.
* Before recycling paper, which has print on only one side, set it aside for use as scrap paper or for printing drafts.
* When documents are printed or copied, use double-sided printing and copying. If possible, use the multiple pages per sheet option on printer properties.
* When general information-type documents must be shared within an office, try circulating them instead of making an individual copy for each person. Even better, make the document electronically available to the audience and display it on a projector.
Electronic Waste
* Use the campus network where possible to transfer files. This avoids the need to write CDs or DVDs or use floppy diskettes.
* Use USB memory sticks instead of CDs, DVDs, or floppies.
* Use re-writable CDs and DVDs.
* There are hopes of the University Recycling program addressing e-waste in the near future
o Until then The Recycling Coalition of Utah has resources for e-waste
o Also check the calendar for free e-waste collections
The growing use of computers on campus has caused a dramatic increase in energy consumption, putting negative pressure on CU’s budget and the environment. Each year more and more computers are purchased and put to use, but it’s not just the number of computers that is driving energy consumption upward. The way that we use computers also adds to the increasing energy burden.
Research reveals that most personal desktop computers are not being used the majority of the time they are running and many personal computers nationwide are needlessly left on continuously. Every time we leave computers or lights on we waste electricity. Burning fossil fuels
generates most of our electricity and it also emits pollutants, sulfur, and carbon dioxide into the air. These emissions can cause respiratory disease, smog, acid rain and global climate change.
Computer Operating Costs
Over the last fifteen years, computers have transformed the academic and administrative landscape at the University of Colorado. There are now over 18,000 computers on campus. Personal computers (PC) operation alone may directly account for nearly $550,000 per year in University energy costs.
Computers generate heat and require additional cooling which adds to energy costs. Thus, the overall energy cost of CU’s personal computers is more likely around $700,000.
Meeting computer cooling needs in summer (and winter) often compromises the efficient use of building cooling and heating systems by requiring colder fan discharge temperatures. In the summer, these temperatures may satisfy computer lab cooling needs while overcooling other spaces.
Given CU’s commitment to energy conservation and the environmental stewardship, we must address the issue of responsible computer use. By adopting conserving practices, annual savings of $300,000-400,000 are possible.
How Much Energy Does Your Computer System Use?
A typical desktop PC system is comprised of the computer itself (the CPU or the “box”), a monitor, and printer. Your CPU may require approximately 100 watts of electrical power. Add 50-150 watts for a 15-17 inch monitor, proportionately more for larger monitors. The power requirements of conventional laser printers can be as much as 100 watts or more when printing though much less if idling in a “sleep mode.” Ink jet printers use as little as 12 watts while printing and 5 watts while
Energy Efficient Computing
Here are some tested suggestions that may make it possible for you to reduce
your computer energy consumption by 80 percent or more while still
retaining most or all productivity and other benefits of your computer
system, including network connectivity.
Screen savers save no energy
If screen saver images appear on your monitor for more than 5 minutes, you
are wasting energy! Screen saver programs may save the phosphors in
your monitor screen, but this is not really a concern with newer
monitors, especially LCD screens. And they do not save any energy.
A screen saver that displays moving images causes your monitor to consume
as much as electricity as it does when in active use. These screen
saver programs also involve system interaction with your CPU that
results in additional energy consumption. A blank screen saver is
slightly better but even that only reduces monitor energy consumption
by a few percent.
Enable power management features
Thanks to the U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA), personal computer
systems purchased today can be easy on energy. These “Energy Star”
computers and monitors can be programmed to automatically “power-down”
to a low power state when they are not being used. These efficiency
gains can be achieved without any sacrifice in computing performance.
The EPA has estimated that providing computers with “sleep mode” reduces
their energy use by 60 to 70 percent – and ultimately could save enough
electricity each year to power Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, cut
electric bills by $2 billion, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by
the equivalent of 5 million cars.
Follow these simple steps to access computer and monitor power management features for Macintosh and Windows.
* From any application select the Apple menu
* Select “System Preferences...” (OS X) or “Control Panels” (OS 9) and then click on “Energy Saver”
* Point your cursor at the desktop background and right-click
* Choose “Properties” from the pop up menu
* Go to the “Screen Saver” page; in the lower right-hand corner near
the ENERGY STAR® logo click the “Settings” button. This brings up
another dialog box where you choose power management settings.
The recommended settings are 20 minutes for monitor sleep and 30 minutes
for system sleep. Remember that to save energy with your monitor’s
built-in power management system, your monitor must go to sleep (shut
itself down).
For more conservation tips and PC power options visit Facilities Management’s Resource Conservation news page, and then click on “PC Power Options.”
When not in use, turn off the juice
This is the most basic energy conservation strategy for any type of equipment. Consider the following:
* Turn off your computer and/or peripherals when they are not in use. Turning on and off will not harm the equipment.
* Don’t run computers continuously unless they are in use continuously.
* Turn off at night and on weekends
* Look for ways to reduce the amount of time your computer is on without adversely affecting your productivity.
You Can Turn Your Computer Off!
The common misconception that a computer’s life is shortened by turning it
on and off has led some to leave computers on all the time. Others are
reluctant to switch their computers on and off a couple times during
their workday despite only using this equipment for a fraction of that
Desktop computers are designed to protect the internal
circutry from power damage from on/off switching. Turning PC equipment
off at night or on and off a few times a day will not appreciably
affect its useful life. Electronic equipment life is a function of
operating hours and heat — both these factors are reduced when
equipment is switched off. Modern hard drives are designed and tested
to operate reliably for thousands of on/off cycles.
Thus, you CAN turn off your computer (and monitor and printer)! The inconvenience
of waiting a minute or two for a computer to reboot or peripheral to
come on line may be trivial compared to the energy savings achieved by
keeping computer equipment off when not in use.
Some specific suggestions
* Unless you require immediate access to e-mail or other Internet
services, break the habit of turning on all your computer equipment as
soon as you enter the office each day.
* If practical, informally
group your computer activities and try to do then during one or two
parts of the day, leaving the computer off at other times.
* Avoid using the switch on a powerstrip to turn on all your equipment.
* If you use a laser printer, don’t turn your printer on until you are ready to print.
* Turn off your entire computer system (CPU, monitor and printer) or at
least your monitor and printer when you go to lunch or will be out of
office for a meeting or an errand.
* For “computer servers” which must be on to serve network functions, explore ways to turn servers off at night.
* If monitors are not needed for “servers” to operate, keep server
monitors off. If server monitor is needed during the day, at least turn
it off at night and weekends.
While the energy saving suggestions listed above is appropriate for many campus PC users, some
of the suggestions may be inappropriate for certain computer
applications or work situations. When in doubt, discuss possible energy
conservation measures with your colleagues, supervisor, or computer lab
director to determine which steps can be taken without harming
Our energy conservation program will not work without your help. Be an energy educator and gently remind your co-workers and colleagues to save energy by changing their computer
habits. Circulate this booklet among the members in your office or
department. Gain the support of your supervisor and set up a brief
meeting to discuss how to implement energy saving strategies.
Other Green Computing Practices
You can take a giant step toward environmentally responsible or “green”
computing by conserving energy with your computer. But green computing
involves other important steps as well. These pertain to paper use,
toner cartridges, disposal of old computer equipment and purchasing
decisions when considering new computer equipment.
Reducing Paper Waste
Rather than creating a paperless office, computer use has vastly increased
paper consumption and paper waste. Here are some suggestions for
reducing waste:
* Print as little as possible. Review and modify documents on the screen and use print preview. Minimize the number of hard copies and paper drafts you make. Instead of printing, save information to disks.
* Recycle waste paper.
* Buy and use recycled paper in your printers and copiers. From an environmental point of view, the best recycled paper is 100 percent post consumer recycled content.
* Save e-mail whenever possible and avoid needless printing of e-mail messages.
* Use e-mail instead of faxes or send faxes directly from your computer to eliminate the need for a hard copy. When you must fax using hard copies, save paper using a “sticky” fax address note and not a cover sheet.
* On larger documents, use smaller font sizes (consistent with readability) to save paper.
* If your printer prints a test page whenever it is turned on, disable this unnecessary feature.
* Before recycling paper, which has print on only one side, set it aside for use as scrap paper or in printing drafts.
* When documents are printed or copied, use double-sided printing and
copying. If possible, use the multiple pages per sheet option on
printer properties.
* When general information-type documents must
be shared within an office, try circulating them instead of making an
individual copy for each person. This can also be done easily by e-mail.
How can the university adopt these different techniques in green campus computing?
When I was still a neophyte in USeP-Tagum Campus, I have noticed in our
school computer laboratory that every after our class laboratories we
didn’t turn off or even stand-by the computers. We just only let it
turn on and wait for the class to use it. Thus, we are not practicing
“green campus computing” in the institution of higher education.
To apply the concept of green campus computing in our academia, the first step we should take is to get the support and cooperation of the administration, faculty and staff of the university. They must be totally aware of the perception of green campus computing, particularly, its advantages and its effects in the society and to the environment as a whole. They must be the paradigm in manifesting the green campus computing. They must undertake a proper education or they
must have a further study and attend symposiums and seminars regarding on this subject matter to have know-how and to broaden their ideas and knowledge on green campus computing.
Second, the student must be also be oriented and be sensitive about this concept. Predominantly, on its effects, purpose and the advantages it brings to the society and especially to our mother nature. More to the point, they must be participative and their full cooperation is highly needed upon the execution of the act.
Student leaders may also lead their constituents in implementing and achieving a greener computing environment. Imposing strict policies inside the laboratories must be
implemented and be taken into action. Persons in authority must formulate the said policies to guide the users in the usage of the computer facilities.
Therefore, if we cooperate and help hand-in-hand in following the steps towards green computing, we can achieve our objectives and at the same time we are building a better
environment towards the next generations to come.We are all imputable on every actions we take. Remember we are all caretakers of our mother EARTH.
Green computing is the environmentally responsible use of computers and related resources. Such practices include the implementation of energy-efficient central processing units( CPUs), servers and peripherals as well as reduced resource consumption and proper disposal
of electronic waste (e-waste).
One of the earliest initiatives toward green computing in the United States was the voluntary labeling program known as Energy Star. It was conceived by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1992 to promote energy efficiency in hardware of all kinds. The Energy Star label became a common sight, especially in notebook computers and displays. Similar programs have been adopted in Europe and Asia.
Government regulation, however well-intentioned, is only part of an overall green computing philosophy. The work habits of computer users and businesses can be modified to minimize adverse impact on the global environment. Here are some steps that can be taken:
* Power-down the CPU and all peripherals during extended periods of inactivity.
* Try to do computer-related tasks during contiguous, intensive blocks of time, leaving hardware off at other times.
* Power-up and power-down energy-intensive peripherals such as laser printers according to need.
* Use liquid-crystal-display (LCD) monitors rather than cathode-ray-tube (CRT) monitors.
* Use notebook computers rather than desktop computers whenever possible.
* Use the power-management features to turn off hard drives and displays after several minutes of inactivity.
* Minimize the use of paper and properly recycle waste paper.
* Dispose of e-waste according to federal, state and local regulations.
* Employ alternative energy sources for computing workstations, servers, networks and data centers.
Green Computing Best Practices for End Users
With thousands of desktop computers in, there is a great amount of power used and a great amount of both paper and electronic waste produced. Some simple solutions can help to reduce the impact of these deployments. Please make use of these best practices in order to develop a practice that best fits your individual needs. These suggestions are intended for users who manage their own computer. If you have a computer administrator, you will want to discuss these practices first on order not to interfere with any automated processes that may be running on your computer.
Important steps toward green computing include modifying paper and toner use, disposal of old computer equipment and purchasing decisions when considering new computer equipment.
* Print as little as possible. Review and modify documents on the screen and use print preview. Minimize the number of hard copies and paper drafts you make. Instead of printing, save information to disks, or USB memory sticks.
* Recycle waste paper, have a recycle bin at each community printer and copier location.
* Buy and use recycled paper in your printers and copiers. From an environmental point of view, the best recycled paper is 100 percent post-consumer recycled content.
* Save e-mail whenever possible and avoid needless printing of e-mail messages.
* Use e-mail instead of faxes or send faxes directly from your computer to eliminate the need for a hard copy. When you must fax using hard copies, save paper using a "sticky" fax address note and not a cover sheet.
* On larger documents, use smaller font sizes (consistent with readability) to save paper.
* If your printer prints a test page whenever it is turned on, disable this unnecessary feature.
* Before recycling paper, which has print on only one side, set it aside for use as scrap paper or for printing drafts.
* When documents are printed or copied, use double-sided printing and copying. If possible, use the multiple pages per sheet option on printer properties.
* When general information-type documents must be shared within an office, try circulating them instead of making an individual copy for each person. Even better, make the document electronically available to the audience and display it on a projector.
* Use the campus network where possible to transfer files. This avoids the need to write CDs or DVDs or use floppy diskettes.
* Use USB memory sticks instead of CDs, DVDs, or floppies.
* Use re-writable CDs and DVDs.
* There are hopes of the University Recycling program addressing e-waste in the near future
o Until then The Recycling Coalition of Utah has resources for e-waste
o Also check the calendar for free e-waste collections
The growing use of computers on campus has caused a dramatic increase in energy consumption, putting negative pressure on CU’s budget and the environment. Each year more and more computers are purchased and put to use, but it’s not just the number of computers that is driving energy consumption upward. The way that we use computers also adds to the increasing energy burden.
Research reveals that most personal desktop computers are not being used the majority of the time they are running and many personal computers nationwide are needlessly left on continuously. Every time we leave computers or lights on we waste electricity. Burning fossil fuels
generates most of our electricity and it also emits pollutants, sulfur, and carbon dioxide into the air. These emissions can cause respiratory disease, smog, acid rain and global climate change.
Over the last fifteen years, computers have transformed the academic and administrative landscape at the University of Colorado. There are now over 18,000 computers on campus. Personal computers (PC) operation alone may directly account for nearly $550,000 per year in University energy costs.
Computers generate heat and require additional cooling which adds to energy costs. Thus, the overall energy cost of CU’s personal computers is more likely around $700,000.
Meeting computer cooling needs in summer (and winter) often compromises the efficient use of building cooling and heating systems by requiring colder fan discharge temperatures. In the summer, these temperatures may satisfy computer lab cooling needs while overcooling other spaces.
Given CU’s commitment to energy conservation and the environmental stewardship, we must address the issue of responsible computer use. By adopting conserving practices, annual savings of $300,000-400,000 are possible.
A typical desktop PC system is comprised of the computer itself (the CPU or the “box”), a monitor, and printer. Your CPU may require approximately 100 watts of electrical power. Add 50-150 watts for a 15-17 inch monitor, proportionately more for larger monitors. The power requirements of conventional laser printers can be as much as 100 watts or more when printing though much less if idling in a “sleep mode.” Ink jet printers use as little as 12 watts while printing and 5 watts while
Here are some tested suggestions that may make it possible for you to reduce
your computer energy consumption by 80 percent or more while still
retaining most or all productivity and other benefits of your computer
system, including network connectivity.
If screen saver images appear on your monitor for more than 5 minutes, you
are wasting energy! Screen saver programs may save the phosphors in
your monitor screen, but this is not really a concern with newer
monitors, especially LCD screens. And they do not save any energy.
A screen saver that displays moving images causes your monitor to consume
as much as electricity as it does when in active use. These screen
saver programs also involve system interaction with your CPU that
results in additional energy consumption. A blank screen saver is
slightly better but even that only reduces monitor energy consumption
by a few percent.
Thanks to the U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA), personal computer
systems purchased today can be easy on energy. These “Energy Star”
computers and monitors can be programmed to automatically “power-down”
to a low power state when they are not being used. These efficiency
gains can be achieved without any sacrifice in computing performance.
The EPA has estimated that providing computers with “sleep mode” reduces
their energy use by 60 to 70 percent – and ultimately could save enough
electricity each year to power Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, cut
electric bills by $2 billion, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by
the equivalent of 5 million cars.
* From any application select the Apple menu
* Select “System Preferences...” (OS X) or “Control Panels” (OS 9) and then click on “Energy Saver”
* Point your cursor at the desktop background and right-click
* Choose “Properties” from the pop up menu
* Go to the “Screen Saver” page; in the lower right-hand corner near
the ENERGY STAR® logo click the “Settings” button. This brings up
another dialog box where you choose power management settings.
The recommended settings are 20 minutes for monitor sleep and 30 minutes
for system sleep. Remember that to save energy with your monitor’s
built-in power management system, your monitor must go to sleep (shut
itself down).
For more conservation tips and PC power options visit Facilities Management’s Resource Conservation news page, and then click on “PC Power Options.”
This is the most basic energy conservation strategy for any type of equipment. Consider the following:
* Turn off your computer and/or peripherals when they are not in use. Turning on and off will not harm the equipment.
* Don’t run computers continuously unless they are in use continuously.
* Turn off at night and on weekends
* Look for ways to reduce the amount of time your computer is on without adversely affecting your productivity.
The common misconception that a computer’s life is shortened by turning it
on and off has led some to leave computers on all the time. Others are
reluctant to switch their computers on and off a couple times during
their workday despite only using this equipment for a fraction of that
Desktop computers are designed to protect the internal
circutry from power damage from on/off switching. Turning PC equipment
off at night or on and off a few times a day will not appreciably
affect its useful life. Electronic equipment life is a function of
operating hours and heat — both these factors are reduced when
equipment is switched off. Modern hard drives are designed and tested
to operate reliably for thousands of on/off cycles.
Thus, you CAN turn off your computer (and monitor and printer)! The inconvenience
of waiting a minute or two for a computer to reboot or peripheral to
come on line may be trivial compared to the energy savings achieved by
keeping computer equipment off when not in use.
* Unless you require immediate access to e-mail or other Internet
services, break the habit of turning on all your computer equipment as
soon as you enter the office each day.
* If practical, informally
group your computer activities and try to do then during one or two
parts of the day, leaving the computer off at other times.
* Avoid using the switch on a powerstrip to turn on all your equipment.
* If you use a laser printer, don’t turn your printer on until you are ready to print.
* Turn off your entire computer system (CPU, monitor and printer) or at
least your monitor and printer when you go to lunch or will be out of
office for a meeting or an errand.
* For “computer servers” which must be on to serve network functions, explore ways to turn servers off at night.
* If monitors are not needed for “servers” to operate, keep server
monitors off. If server monitor is needed during the day, at least turn
it off at night and weekends.
While the energy saving suggestions listed above is appropriate for many campus PC users, some
of the suggestions may be inappropriate for certain computer
applications or work situations. When in doubt, discuss possible energy
conservation measures with your colleagues, supervisor, or computer lab
director to determine which steps can be taken without harming
Our energy conservation program will not work without your help. Be an energy educator and gently remind your co-workers and colleagues to save energy by changing their computer
habits. Circulate this booklet among the members in your office or
department. Gain the support of your supervisor and set up a brief
meeting to discuss how to implement energy saving strategies.
You can take a giant step toward environmentally responsible or “green”
computing by conserving energy with your computer. But green computing
involves other important steps as well. These pertain to paper use,
toner cartridges, disposal of old computer equipment and purchasing
decisions when considering new computer equipment.
Rather than creating a paperless office, computer use has vastly increased
paper consumption and paper waste. Here are some suggestions for
reducing waste:
* Print as little as possible. Review and modify documents on the screen and use print preview. Minimize the number of hard copies and paper drafts you make. Instead of printing, save information to disks.
* Recycle waste paper.
* Buy and use recycled paper in your printers and copiers. From an environmental point of view, the best recycled paper is 100 percent post consumer recycled content.
* Save e-mail whenever possible and avoid needless printing of e-mail messages.
* Use e-mail instead of faxes or send faxes directly from your computer to eliminate the need for a hard copy. When you must fax using hard copies, save paper using a “sticky” fax address note and not a cover sheet.
* On larger documents, use smaller font sizes (consistent with readability) to save paper.
* If your printer prints a test page whenever it is turned on, disable this unnecessary feature.
* Before recycling paper, which has print on only one side, set it aside for use as scrap paper or in printing drafts.
* When documents are printed or copied, use double-sided printing and
copying. If possible, use the multiple pages per sheet option on
printer properties.
* When general information-type documents must
be shared within an office, try circulating them instead of making an
individual copy for each person. This can also be done easily by e-mail.
How can the university adopt these different techniques in green campus computing?
When I was still a neophyte in USeP-Tagum Campus, I have noticed in our
school computer laboratory that every after our class laboratories we
didn’t turn off or even stand-by the computers. We just only let it
turn on and wait for the class to use it. Thus, we are not practicing
“green campus computing” in the institution of higher education.
To apply the concept of green campus computing in our academia, the first step we should take is to get the support and cooperation of the administration, faculty and staff of the university. They must be totally aware of the perception of green campus computing, particularly, its advantages and its effects in the society and to the environment as a whole. They must be the paradigm in manifesting the green campus computing. They must undertake a proper education or they
must have a further study and attend symposiums and seminars regarding on this subject matter to have know-how and to broaden their ideas and knowledge on green campus computing.
Second, the student must be also be oriented and be sensitive about this concept. Predominantly, on its effects, purpose and the advantages it brings to the society and especially to our mother nature. More to the point, they must be participative and their full cooperation is highly needed upon the execution of the act.
Student leaders may also lead their constituents in implementing and achieving a greener computing environment. Imposing strict policies inside the laboratories must be
implemented and be taken into action. Persons in authority must formulate the said policies to guide the users in the usage of the computer facilities.
Therefore, if we cooperate and help hand-in-hand in following the steps towards green computing, we can achieve our objectives and at the same time we are building a better
environment towards the next generations to come.We are all imputable on every actions we take. Remember we are all caretakers of our mother EARTH.